The Pentrex Collection
Over the decades Pentrex has amassed quite a collection of railroad related items. Sit back and enjoy!
More items will be added regularly.
This wooden sign is from the original signage from the Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal from 1939. This sign hangs in the entryway of our office.
This 7' long, stainless steel Santa Fe warbonnet from a locomotive is impressive! This signs hangs in the entryway of our office.
Another wooden sign from the Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal from 1939.
A sample from our extensive collection of railroad police badges.
One of the many RR lanterns in our collection.
Just a few reels of 16mm film that new video productions will be made from.
Vintage Santa Fe Magazine
Vintage $7,500 ad
Vintage cartoon
Vintage Postcard #17 (front)
Vintage Postcard #17 (back)

In the future we will be sharing more items from our collection. Just some of the collectibles include:
Original Paintings
Photograph Collections
Rare Books
Railroad Date Nails
Railroad Films
Railroad Lanterns
Railroad-related Movie Posters
Railroad Signs
Railroad Special Agent/Police Badges
Switch Locks and Keys
Vintage RR China and Silver
Vintage paper of all sorts
In the future we will share more prints and films from such collections as:
Allan Krieg. Former Union Pacific RR Public Relations Manager in Los Angeles. Writer and Director of the famous Last of the Giants of the Big Boys.
Will Whittaker
Fred Matthews
J. Allen Hawkins
Chris Ditlefsen
Interurban Press Publications
And many more!

Looking for a good home for your railroad related items?
Share your collection of important items with our thousands of viewers. Your collection can be on loan, purchased, donated or whatever arrangement you prefer. Large collections stay intact and are not "cherry picked". A lifetime of collecting can be shared with the people who appreciate your efforts and your name will continue on in the future.